PeterLynn Labels! Looking Back at 2024

What a year it’s been! 

As we move towards the end of another year I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge everything that we have done together during 2024. As PeterLynn has continued to grow over the past 39 years the eco system that we are a part of continues to expand. I am very proud of what we have all done together over the past year and a massive thank you goes out to all of our customers and suppliers who have worked with us this year.

 During the year we have also passed some big milestones with our work family:

  1. Ian Sibbald has hit the big 25 years with us! Quarter of a century
  2. Pam Chapman isn’t far behind with 20 fantastic years under her belt

These two are absolute legends and we’re lucky to have them!

Huge congratulations to Andy Morgan who’s done something really special this year. He smashed his fundraising target AND braved the shave, donating his hair to the Little Princess Trust charity. What a star! 

We are super proud to have aced our ISO 9001 and 14001 accreditation again!  The PeterLynn team take a lot of pride in what we do and it is great to continue to show this year after year with the amazing results that we see.

What’s Coming Up?

We’re very excited about 2025 – we’ve got some new machinery investments lined up which will add value to our customers and continue to make us leaders in the UK label market, and we are ready to roll in the new year with a bang!

 We are looking forward to building on our existing customer relationships and welcome the opportunity of working with some brand-new faces. 

Before we wrap up we want to say a special thank you to all our team at PeterLynn. All businesses have faced challenges this past year, and it is the effort from all of our employees working together that has driven another successful year. You’ve all played an important part in making 2024 another great year and we couldn’t do it without you! 

As we head into the festive season, it’s time for everyone to put their feet up and enjoy a well-deserved break. Whether you’re planning to demolish the mince pies, binge-watch Christmas movies, or just catch up on some sleep – we hope you have a brilliant time.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
